
Foam Recycling - Powdering System

Converting foam into powder.



  1. EVA 發泡材料
  2. PE 發泡材料
  3. 橡膠發泡材料



  1. 搭配破碎機第一段先行將材料進行破碎
  2. 可調整破碎後材料投入磨粉主機之速度,避免過度投料導致磨粉效果降低
  3. 研磨主機機構箱有防噪音設計,避免研磨過程噪音影響操作人員工作舒適性
  4. 研磨主機磨頭搭配冷卻循環水系統,可避免高溫研磨導致材料變質
  5. 搭配震動篩選機可有效分離過大顆粒並再次送回研磨腔體再次研磨
  6. 搭配中央集塵系統,可有效減少粉塵狀況
  7. 標準篩網尺寸:25 mesh



EVA / PE Foam
EVA / PE Injection parts
SBR Foam
NBR Foam


  1. Combined with shredder to chop material into small piece.
  2. Adjustable feeding speed into main grinding zone to avoid high temperature and damaing material properity.
  3. Noise protection design to provide better working environment.
  4. Effectively cooling system to make sure perfect grinding result with normal working temperature.
  5. Vibro Separator & Filter Machine to effectively separate finepowder. And return un-finished piece into main grinding zone again.
  6. With center dust collection system to reduce dust in working area.
  7. Screener : 25 mesh




    1. 入料輸送帶 x 1
    2. 破碎機 x 1
    3. 螺桿入料機 x 1
    4. 研磨主機 x 1
    5. 空氣輸送機 x 1
    6. 震動篩 x 1
    7. 空氣輸送機 x 1
    8. 成品料儲存桶 x 1
    9. 集塵機 x 1



Main Compoments:

    1. Feeding Conveyor x 1
    2. Shredder x 1
    3. Screw Conveyor x 1
    4. Grinder x 1
    5. Air Conveyor x 1
    6. Vibro & Separator filter x 1
    7. Air Conveyor x 1
    8. Storage Tank x 1
    9. Dust Collector x 1




Production Capacity:


Material Kg / Hour
EVA Foam 180
PE Foam 180
EVA Injection 180
PE Injection 180
Rubber Foam 180
SBR Foam 180
Rubber Injection 180















  • Specifications
  • Description
  • Video
  • Layout
項目 Item Brand / Power
觸控屏幕 Touch Panel Delta
變頻器 Inverter Delta
研磨馬達 Grinding Motor 60 kw
空氣輸送機 Blower 4kw + 0.75kw
震動篩 Vibro Separator & Filter 1.5 kw
儲料桶 Storage tank 4 kw
集塵機 Dust Collector 4 kw
螺桿輸送機 Screw Conveyor 1.5 Kw
破碎機 Shredder 15 kw